What do we produce?

Our products

Plant growing

We grow grain and industrial crops on an area of 19,000 hectares. We use No-Till technology and minimal tillage technology, precision farming.

The Cherry Orchard

The area of the intense cherry orchard is 130 hectares. The following varieties of cherries are offered: Lutovka, Krymsk dessert, Melitopol dessert.

Apple garden

The area of intensive apple orchard leaves 67 hectares. The following apple varieties are offered: Airlie Geneva, Red Free, Delicia, Golden, Simirenko, Gala Mast, Champion, Jonagold, Pinova, Beni Shogun

Vegetable growing

We grow vegetables and melons: Onions, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots, Beetroot, Pumpkin, Watermelon. The area of drip irrigation under vegetable growing is 255 hectares. Products are stored in refrigerators. The implementation period is August – May.

Vegetables storage

A modern refrigerated vegetable store with a capacity of up to 10,000 tons of products. Equipped with a computer control and management system.

Shock freeze

We offer frozen products of our own production: Cherry, Pumpkin, Apple.

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